YALIVoices Podcast: Emmanuel Agumah, Founder of the Buruli Ulcer Victims Aid Foundation

Published: Sept. 25, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

b'When he was in high school, Emmanuel Agumah was diagnosed with Buruli ulcer. Categorized as a neglected tropical disease, or \\u201cNTD,\\u201d it kept him hospitalized for approximately three years and bedridden for about a year and a half. The disease, which he could have chosen to view as a disability, has instead given him a cause for which he fights. Agumah founded the Buruli Ulcer Victims Aid (BUVA) Foundation, which focuses on socio-economic support for former Buruli ulcer patients and those with disabilities. Read more: https://goo.gl/xu88yf'