YALI Voices Podcast: Roni Kanuono turns discarded bottles into something amazing!

Published: July 12, 2024, 8:26 p.m.

b'https://yali.state.gov/roni-kanuono-turns-discarded-bottles-into-something-amazing-building-furniture-from-plastic-waste/\\n\\nIn this episode of the YALI Voices podcast, we\\u2019re honored to be speaking with Roni Kanuono from Cameroon. After working with an environmental NGO for a number of years, he decided to use the lessons he learned there and started his own! His organization, For A Green World, is dedicated to reducing plastic pollution in a most innovative way.\\n \\nTalking with Roni, it is clear that what we see each day as pollution and plastic waste can be repurposed into useful, even beautiful, objects. And he wants to make sure that others in his community and beyond are able to learn to make something new out of something ordinary.\\n\\n\\nRoni Kanuono Social: https://x.com/KanouoRoni?s=08\\n\\nFor A Green World Website: https://chanasdigital.com/foragreenworld'