Writing From the Heart with Katie Sise

Published: Dec. 4, 2022, 2:24 p.m.

b'Note: This episode was delayed due to technical recording issues (hence the references to Thanksgiving), but rather than cheat you out of hearing Katie Side\'s wise words, we\'ve decided to release it as is. Apologies for the audio squeak. We\'ll return to our usual audio standards next time and, as a special Christmas gift, we will present three more episodes this month, one every week during the holiday season.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: News
1) Self-Publishing Equals "Another Random House" in Sales
2) Colleen Hoover is America\'s Bestselling Author

Chapter 3: Interview
Katie Sise is the bestselling author of six novels. Her books have been included on best-of lists by Good Morning America, The New York Post and Parade Magazine. Her current novel, The Break, is a Zibby\'s Book Club pick for November. She\\u2019s a former TV host and jewelry designer, and lives outside of New York City with her husband, four children, and a golden retriever. In this interview, she discusses:
1) how she integrates serious issues into thrillers;
2) the middle road between planning and pantsing;
3) how her writing process has evolved over time; and
4) writing tips she\'s learned along the way.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
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Keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt
To subscribe to the WriterCon Newsletter, email willbern@gmail.com'