Write Every Day with William Bernhardt

Published: Feb. 20, 2022, 1:52 p.m.

b'Host William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips and, for the first time, discusses his thirty years in the book world, starting with his first bestselling novel, Primary Justice, in 1991.

Chapter 1: Introduction
a) Cover Reveal for Bernhardt\'s next novel, Shameless
b) Update on WriterCon, the writers conference held over Labor Day weekend, Sept 2-5

Chapter 2: News
a) Draft2Digital Acquires Smashwords
b) The Booming Creator Economy

Chapter 3: Interview
Jesse Ulrich interviews host William Bernhardt about his thirty-year career as a bestselling writer. He discusses:
a) why it is so important to write every day;
b) why he outlines, and how;
c) his influences, like Tony Hillerman and Sue Grafton;
d) how to make a writing schedule; and
e) why mentoring and teaching are so important to him...and led to WriterCon.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
If you\\u2019re writing or aspiring to write, join our Facebook Group, Red Sneaker Writers, so you can get daily updates. www.facebook.com/groups/113141678727273

I also have a free Red Sneaker e-newsletter that goes out every other week. Send me your email address (willbern@gmail.com) and I\\u2019ll add you to the list.

Our annual writers conference, WriterCon, has authors, agents, editors, book marketers, author assistants, over 70 sessions, including night owl roundtable sessions, and many chances for you to meet people, network, and get the connections and knowledge you need to build your writing career. Right now, you can take advantage of the Early Bird price, but that will not last forever. www.writercon.com

William Bernhardt