Understanding Modern Publishing with Amy Brewer

Published: May 16, 2023, 6:42 p.m.

b'Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Rene Gutteridge discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview Amy Brewer, senior literary agent at Metamorphosis Literary Agency, a top-flight company with an amazing client list.

Chapter 1: \'Tis the Season (for Graduations)

Chapter 2: News
a) James Patterson Sells 100 Million Print Books;
b) Barnes & Noble Announces Significant Decrease in Returns; and
c) Warner Brothers Announces New Harry Potter TV Series.

Chapter 3: Interview with Amy Brewer
Amy Brewer wears many hats every day, from literary agent at Metamorphosis Literary Agency, to co-author of the Texting Prince Charming series, to social media manager, to yoga teacher. She graduated from Culver-Stockton College with a theater degree because drama, romance, and angst are lifelong passions. Her intuitive human understanding can help other writers bridge the communication gap and jump into the publishing world. Amy\'s experience in the mental health field and yoga training help her guide and assist clients with stress and anxiety in this highly competitive industry.

In this interview, you will learn:
1) the importance of understanding how modern publishing works;
2) why you should follow your passions;
3) how to reduce the stressful parts of writing;
4) what an agent can do for you;
5) what agents are looking for; and
6) the primary reasons writers don\'t get published.

For more information about Amy Brewer and Metamorphosis Literary Agency, visit: https://www.metamorphosisliteraryagency.com

Chapter 4: Parting Words
We have a five-day writing retreat (July 19-23) in Branson, Missouri, and there is still space available!

The large-group conference, WriterCon, is September 1-4 (Labor Day weekend) in Oklahoma City. We have more than sixty presenters lined up, plus the best roster of agents we\\u2019ve ever had, including movie/tv agents, and publishers, and editors, and much more. And if you register now, you can take advantage of the Early Bird prices.

For more info, visit our website, writercon.com.

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt