Travel and Tranquility with Mag Dimond

Published: May 18, 2020, 5:29 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of publishing, offers writing tips, and interviews Mag Dimond, author of the beautiful travel and meditation memoir, Bowing to Elephants.

Chapter 1: Introduction
a)Twisted Justice by William Bernhardt breaks new sales records.
b)The Early Bird price for registering for WriterCon 2020 (Sept 4-6) expires on June 1.
c)Bernhardt will lead a small-group writing retreat at the Writers Colony at Dairy Hollow on July 8-12.

Chapter 2: News
a)Apple Books creates a portal to allow writers to upload books directly.
b)The president of Simon & Schuster passes.
c)The Big Five are having problems. Macmillan releases employees while other major publishers post declining sales.
d)Books-A-Million is reopening.
e)Bernhardt predicts we are witnessing a milestone moment in the history of publishing, a decrease in the importance of New York publishing and an increased turn toward digital books, online sales, and print-on-demand.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Bernhardt discusses a study by David Gaughran analyzing the Amazon Bestseller list versus the Amazon Popularity list and what it indicates. Writers should make sure their work sends a clear message about its genre and target audience. Covers matter, titles matter, and price matters.

Chapter 4: Interview with Mag Dimond
The author of Bowing to Elephants discusses what she has learned from her travels and the importance of mindfulness and mediation.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Keep safe, keep sane, and keep writing.

For info about WriterCon:
For info about Bernhardt\\u2019s small-group writing retreat:'