Transformative Character Arc with Dan Millman

Published: June 15, 2020, 1:55 p.m.

b'Best-selling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Dan Millman, internationally acclaimed author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Register for WriterCon 2020 while the Early Bird price is still available. You can attend the conference in person, stream the conference, or both.

Chapter 2: News
a) Black Lives Matter and protests all across the nation are impacting books. Black-owned bookstores are seeing increased sales, as are books treating issues of race.
b) Bookstores are cautiously reopening.
c) Major publishers have sued The Internet Archive for digitizing books without consent from copyright owners.
d) Bernhardt recounts his experience using the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to stop illegal downloads of his books from Twitter.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
A recent study indicates that men will give up on a book they aren\'t enjoying after fifty pages while women stay for about 100\\u2014but you want your readers to finish the book and love every page. Bernhardt discusses approaches to writing irresistible openings that hook readers and keep them reading.

Chapter 4: Interview
Bernhardt interviews Dan Millman, past WriterCon keynote speaker and the author of seventeen books, including The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. He talks about how transformative character arc can make your story one that readers not only enjoy but remember long after the reading experience has ended.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
a) offers tips, language, and vocabulary advice for writing about sensitive subjects involving minority groups.
b) Jane Friedman has complied a list of websites where you can make financial contributions to support various organizations trying to support the African-American commuunity, protestors, and grieving families:
c) Register now to attend or stream WriterCon2020:'