The Writing Journey with Deborah Falaye

Published: April 3, 2022, 12:09 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Deborah Falaye, author of the new young-adult novel, Blood Scion.

William Bernhardt\'s new novel, Shameless, the third book in the Kenzi Rivera legal thriller series, is now on sale.

It\'s not too late to register for WriterCon and get the Early Bird pricing. WriterCon is Sept 2-5, 2020 in Oklahoma City. We have speakers covering every imaginable genre, plus agents, editors, publishers, pitch sessions, Night Owl roundtables, and much more.

1) Author Loses Lambda Prize Nomination After Online Controversy; and
2) Writer Beware has a new URL:

Our guest is Deborah Falaye, whose first novel, Blood Scion, is based on the legends and mythologies rooted in her Nigerian Yoruba culture. In this interview, you will learn:
1) why writing is a journey, not a race;
2) how she researched her novel;
3) how she incorporated Nigerian myths and legends;
4) why she writes hundreds of pages of outlines;
5) how she treated dark subjects like child soldiers; and
6) why she chose to write for young adults.

Parting Words
Our annual writers conference, WriterCon, will have authors, agents, editors, book marketers, author assistants, over 70 sessions, and many chances for you to meet people, network, and get the connections and knowledge you need to build your writing career. Right now, you can take advantage of the Early Bird price, but we are getting close to the cutoff date, so if you\\u2019re interested, please check out the website:

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt'