Superior Fiction with Steven James

Published: Oct. 5, 2020, 1:54 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Steven James, author of the Bowers Files thrillers and Story Trumps Structure.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Bernhardt\'s first online small-group writing workshop is filling fast. Visit for more information.

Chapter 2: News
a) Fixional offers AI-driven editing and revision services for authors and publishers.
b) Plotrr allows authors to outline and create timelines for their books.
c) Lately is an AI-driven service that helps you prepare and spread your social media posts.
d) Trinity Audio provide a text-to-speech service to create audio versions of books, stories, and articles.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Tech is great, especially if it helps you sit down and get the work done, but no AI will ever replace your human creativity. That\'s what makes you a writer.

Chapter 4: Interview
Steven James is the author more more than thirty books, including thrillers, the SF novel Synapse, and Story Trumps Structure, a writing guide. He shares his thoughts on whether character arc is necessary for series characters, the importance of revision, and much more.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
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