Selling Stories to Movie/TV with Erin Hennicke

Published: Aug. 26, 2019, 11:45 a.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, then interviews Erin Hennicke, movie/tv book scout for Franklin & Siegal, about how to make your stories more appealing to Hollywood.

Chapter1: Introduction

Chapter 2: News
a) Barnes & Noble reports a large spike in sales of romance novels.
b) Harper Collins launches the Harper Horizons imprint to focus on positive-lifestyle nonfiction.
c) Audible signs deal with Skybound to increase its audio-original content.
d) Facebook Ads introduce new features.
e) The New York Times reports on book piracy--unauthorized and poorly translated editions of books violating American copyright laws.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Bernhardt discusses the recent article in The Atlantic on Amazon Publishing, which now publishes a significant share of the books sold at Amazon, including books by major authors such as Dean Koontz, Patricia Cornwell, and Robert Dugoni. Its "vertical integration" with the retailing branch of the parent company gives Amazon Publishing, Amazon\'s traditional publishing branch (not to be confused with self-publishing at KDP), many advantages and should considered by authors making sales plans.

Chapter 4: Interview with Erin Hennicke
Erin Hennicke is a movie/tv book scout for Franklin & Siegal, actively scouting projects for Universal Studios\' film division and Paramount TV. She discusses her work and what makes books and stories more attractive to Hollywood producers.

Chapter 5: Closing Words
Register for WriterCon, the annual book conference in Oklahoma City over Labor Day weekend, with more than 50 presenters, 70 breakout sessions, contests, pitching opportunities, agents, editors, and much more.

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