Screenplay Adaptations with Cheryl McKay

Published: April 2, 2023, 3:28 p.m.

b'Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Rene Gutteridge discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview Cheryl McKay, who wrote the screenplay for the James Garner film The Ultimate Gift, based on Jim Stovall\\u2019s novel. The Ultimate Gift won a Crystal Heart Award at the Heartland Film Festival, received three MovieGuide Nominations, and was named one of the Ten Best Family Films of 2007. She\\u2019s also written How to Adapt Scripts Into Novels (with Rene Gutteridge).

Chapter 1: Introduction
What Writers Do for April Fools

Chapter 2: News
1) Bowker Reports Huge Increase in eBooks
2) AI Programs Enter the Writing World
3) Roald Dahl is Being Edited/Altered/Censored

Chapter 3: Interview with Cheryl McKay
In this interview, Cheryl discusses:
1) the difference between an original vs. an adapted screenplay;
2) the tricks you must know for writing screenplays;
3) breaking into the screenplay market;
4) writing characters who pop;
5) seeing the big picture; and
6) writing nonfiction about fiction.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
We\\u2019re taking registrations for the WriterCon small-group retreat, which is July 19-23 at the Stone Castle Convention Center in Branson MO. This is five days of intensive work with no more than eight writers, involving teaching, editing, feedback, and mentoring\\u2014and maybe some fun, too. Space is obviously limited, so register today.

And after the small-group retreat comes the large-group conference, WriterCon. That\\u2019s September 1-4 (Labor Day weekend in Oklahoma City. We have more than fifty presenters lined up, plus the best roster of agents we\\u2019ve ever had, including movie/tv agents, and publishers and much more. And if you register now, you can take advantage of the Early Bird prices. For more info, visit our website,

And if you haven\\u2019t joined the WriterCon Facebook Group yet, do it now! Do it today and join this wonderful community of writers.

And to subscribe to the free WriterCon e-newsletter, send me an email or sign up at my website: and www.williambernhardt.comIf you\\u2019re enjoying this podcast, please subscribe, then rate or review it wherever you get podcasts. It does make it easier for new listeners to discover us.

You can find the video version of these podcasts on YouTube.

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt'