Respecting the Writing Process with Erica Ferencik

Published: March 27, 2022, 1:12 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Erica Ferencik, author of many outstanding, critically acclaimed thrillers, most recently, Girl in Ice.

Chapter 1\\u2014Introduction
William Bernhardt\'s new legal thriller, Shameless, is now on sale! This is the third novel in his Kenzi Rivera series.

WriterCon 2022 offers presentations and guidance on a wide range of author issues and genres, as well as author assistance for those working in traditional or independent presses.
For more info or to register, visit:

Chapter 2\\u2014News
a) Amazon Opens AMS Ads to All Authors\\u2014Even Traditionally Published; and
b) Amazon Launches Clubhouse-Like Audio Service\\u2014with Music Streaming

Chapter 3\\u2014Interview with Erica Ferencik
The author of Girl in Ice discusses her journey to completing this and her other novels, discussing:
a) where she gets her unique and original premises;
b) her writing process;
c) why her initial outline is just a starting place;
d) researching faraway locations;
e) creating imaginary languages; and
f) creating strong, adventurous female protagonists.

Chapter 4\\u2014Parting Words
Bernhardt\'s annual writers conference, WriterCon, will have authors, agents, editors, book marketers, author assistants, over 70 sessions, and many chances for you to meet people, network, and get the connections and knowledge you need to build your writing career. Right now, you can take advantage of the Early Bird price, but that will not last much longer.

If you\\u2019re writing or aspiring to write, join our Facebook Group, Red Sneaker Writers, so you can get daily updates.

Bernhardt also has a free Red Sneaker Writers e-newsletter that goes out every other week. To be added to the mailing list, email:

William Bernhardt'