Publishing Your First Novel with Laurel Thomas

Published: Feb. 24, 2020, 2:41 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the book world, offers tips for increasing sales of your books, and interviews Laurel Thomas, author of the novel River\'s Call.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Recovering from the WriterCon Cruise--and planning the cruise for next year.

Chapter 2: News
a) Colin Kaepernick opts to self-pub his memoir and makes deal with Audible
b) Codex Group says Amazon Publishing has the most clicked covers
c) Two new romance imprints have been announced
d) Details on Audible settlement over Captions program
e) Entire RWA Board resigns
f) Poetry sales soared last year
g) Proposed Missouri law could charge librarians for "age-inappropriate" materials
h) Twitter account nominated for literary prize

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Bernhardt discusses the takeaways from a panel at the SF Conference describing how Amazon Publishing promotes a debut novel, which includes strategic marketing, visibility, pricing, and much more.

Chapter 4: Interview
Bernhardt interviews Laurel Thomas, a regular face at the annual WriterCon conference in Oklahoma City, and the author of her first novel, River\'s Call. She discusses how the book came to be and her personal road to publication.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Bernhardt invites comments on the podcast. Email him at:

Summer Writing Retreat:'