Publishing Romance Brilliantly with Liz Berry

Published: March 8, 2020, 8:41 p.m.

b"Bestselling author William Bernhardt hosts this podcast for Red Sneaker Writers--writers who are serious about building a writing career and looking for useful information to help them do it. In this podcast, he discusses the latest news, offers writing tips, and interviews Liz Berry, co-publisher of the 1001 Dark Nights romance line.

Chapter 1: Introduction
There's new content on the WriterCon website! Register now to get the Early Bird price!

Chapter 2: News
Ingram announces new content integrity standards
Simon & Schuster is for sale
Cli-fi genre emerges
Hallmark and Walmart announce a new romance line
Scott Carney Reddit posts discusses the merits of self-publishing

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Bernhardt discusses the importance of setting and advises writers to choose a setting that will heighten the key elements of your novel.

Chapter 4: Interview with Liz Berry
Bernhardt interviews the book marketer and co-founder of the 1001 Dark Nights romance line. Liz explains how in five years she built a company that has already sold over three million books.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Register now for WriterCon while you can still get into the small-group Lunches with the Stars, the banquet, and the Monday Masterclasses. Learn more at writer"