Optimizing Author Websites with Caro Begin

Published: July 27, 2020, 3:23 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the book world, offers writing tips, and interviews Caro Begin, author and expert on writer websites.

Chapter 1: Introduction
It\'s our Golden Anniversary episode (sort of)!

Chapter 2: News
a) Controversy surrounds Mark Dawson purchasing a large quantity of his own novel to push it onto the Top Ten of the Sunday Times bestseller list.
b) Author promotes the first-ever drive-in book event.
c) B&N closes its experimental \\u201ckitchen\\u201d bookstore.
d) Yet another author is \\u201cTwittered\\u201d out of her book release.
e New developments at the US Copyright Office permit registration of multiple short works published online for a flat fee.
f) Publishers announce new imprints for literary fiction and nonfiction promoting diversity, New Age topics, and picture books.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
A four-year old poet gets a great book deal! When will you be published? Here\\u2019s the best way to make it happen.

Chapter 4: Interview with Caro Begin
Bernhardt interviews this accomplished author and expert on author websites about her work and how Red Sneaker Writers can have the most effective websites.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
WriterCon 2020 is still happening! You can attend in person or stream it from wherever you are. Visit www.writercon.org for more information.'