Mining the Past for Fiction with Julia Brewer Daily

Published: April 17, 2022, 1:48 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Julia Brewer Daily, author of No Names to Be Given.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Join us next time for our 100th episode!

WriterCon Update: You still have time to register for WriterCon and get the sharply reduced Early Bird pricing. Our annual writers conference focuses on helping you achieve your writing dreams. Sessions will focus on how to be a better writer, how to improve your art and craft, and navigating the increasingly complex world of publishing. The conference is Labor Day weekend, Sept 2-5. Please check out our website:

Chapter 2: News
1) Self-published author lands deal for Syfy TV series;
2) Petition circulated to protest Amazon\'s eBook-return policy;
3) Brandon Sanderson\'s Kickstarter makes over $41 million.

Chapter 3: Interview with Julia Brewer Daily
In this interview, the author of No Names to Be Given discusses:
1) how she mined her past to create compelling fiction;
2) why adoption is a controversial subject;
3) why she used multiple viewpoints;
4) how she creates compelling characters; and
5) keeping a fast pace in a serious novel.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
WriterCon will have authors, agents, editors, book marketers, author assistants, over 70 sessions, and many chances for you to meet people, network, and get the connections and knowledge you need to build your writing career.

If you\\u2019re writing or aspiring to write, join our Facebook Group, Red Sneaker Writers, so you can get daily updates.

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Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt'