Live from WriterCon: Writing for Young People with Alexandra Ott

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, noon

b"Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Alexandra Ott, author of Rules for Thieves (Simon & Schuster) and other middle-grade and young adult novels.

Chapter 1
We're recording before a live audience at WriterCon, the annual writers conference co-hosted by William Bernhardt, which this year added a streaming option so writers and aspiring writers could watch the entire three-day conference from home.

Chapter 2: News
a) A recent Ingram webinar discusses profound changes in how books are marketed. Publishers are paying less attention to bookstore placement and focusing more on online sales.
b) Spotify, the hugely successful music streaming service, appears to be preparing to enter the audiobook world.
c) Audible announces a subscription plan\\u2014the audiobook equivalent of Kindle Unlimited.

Chapter 3:
Bernhardt invites people in the WriterCon audience to share what they've learned at the conference, including Amy Le, Daniel Short, and Lara Bernhardt (The Wantland Files).

Chapter 4: Interview with Alexandra Ott
Bernhardt interviews Alexandra Ott, author of Rules for Thieves and other books for young readers about her career, how she broke into publishing, what captivates young readers, the differences between middle-grade and young adult novels, and much more.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Bernhardt promises that there will be another WriterCon next year, Labor Day weekend, and you are invited to attend. More details to follow!"