LIVE from the WriterCon Cruise!

Published: May 2, 2023, 1:01 p.m.

b'Bestselling authors William and Lara Bernhardt discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview Cary Herwig, the author of many published books, including most recently her Army Brat Hauntings series. The second installment, The World Ends at the River, has just been published.

Chapter 1: Introduction
I organized the WriterCon Cruise! Why did Jesse get a robe and I didn\'t?

Chapter 2: News
1) James Patterson Angry at NYT Bestseller List
2) Agents Are Looking for Romance
3) Mass Firings at Hachette and Severance Packages at Harper
4) Draft2Digital Adds Print Production & Distribution

Chapter 3: Interview
In this informal chat, Cary Herwig will discuss:
1) why she turned to young adult fiction;
2) where the "Army Brat" idea came from;
3) the appeal of ghost stories;
4) why she\'s a pantser; and
5) how to sustain a long-term writing career.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
The 2023 Cruise is over but you can still register for the WriterCon Conference. That\\u2019s September 1-4 (Labor Day weekend) in Oklahoma City. We have more than sixty presenters lined up, plus the best roster of agents we\\u2019ve ever had, including movie/tv agents, and publishers and much more. Every year we\\u2019ve successfully helped writers find agents, but this year we\\u2019re doubling down on innovation, finding new ways to connect writers to agents. And if you register now, you can take advantage of the Early Bird prices. For more info:

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt
