Ghostwriting for Profit with Melanie Hemry

Published: March 22, 2020, 9:49 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt analyzes the latest news from the book world, offers writing tips, OFFERS FREE BOOKS, and interviews successful ghostwriter and Christian writer Melanie Hemry.

Chapter 1: Introduction
While we persevere through this world crisis, William Bernhardt is offering all podcast listeners a free copy of any one of his nine books on writing--your choice. Email him at and tell him which book you want.

Chapter 2: News
1) Book events cancelled during the coronavirus crisis.
2) Simon & Schuster for sale for $1.2 billion.
3) Baker & Taylor reveals which genres libraries buy most.
4) Amazon, Scribd and others make special offers to readers

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
William Bernhardt encourages authors who are homebound or quarantined during the coronavirus scare to USE THIS! If this has given you extra time to work at home, double-down on your writing. Emerge from this crisis with something wonderful.

Chapter 4: Interview
Melanie Hemry discusses her ghostwriting career, largely in the Christian book market, which has led to great success and more than fifty published books.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Stay safe. And write.

For a free digital copy of one of the Red Sneaker books on writing, email:'