Genre Mashups with John Wooley

Published: July 15, 2019, 6:39 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the trends, topics, and news from the world of books, then interviews John Wooley, author of horror novels and much more.

In this episode, Bernhardt combines the news and writing features to discuss how the content of books is changing in the digital era--for instance, romance novels that break barriers or read like romcoms, and literary novels that imploy horror tropes.

In the interview segment, Bernhardt talks to John Wooley, a veteran of more than forty years as a professional novelist. He is best known as a horror writer, but has also written comic books, comic strips, biography, science fiction, and much more--and has gained much wisdom and insight along the way.

It is not too late to register for WriterCon, the annual writers conference in Oklahoma City during Labor Day weekend, sponsored by the Red Sneaker Writers Center. For more info, visit:

For more information about Bernhardt\'s writing retreats, including the December retreat in New Orleans, visit:

Bernhardt\'s latest novel, Court of Killers, Book 2 in the new Daniel Pike series, is not available for pre-order.'