Finding Your Writing Process with Rebecca Hanover

Published: Dec. 11, 2023, 5:55 p.m.

b'Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Lara Bernhardt discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview Rebecca Hanover, New York Times-bestselling author of The Last Applicant.

Opening Remarks
Thanksgiving has passed, but a new and bigger holiday looms on the horizon...

News (4:25)
1) Pirr Ai Program Helps You Write Your Own Smut
2) Americans Reveal How Many Books They Own

Interview with Rebecca Hanover (17:55)
During this chat, you will learn:
1) why every writing process is different;
2) how she won an Emmy;
3) gravitating from television to novels;
4) why she wrote YA; and
5) why she now writes thrillers, chasing a good story, not a genre.

Parting Words (33:08)
Lara\'s Christmas novel, Christmas Spirit, is deep-discounted for the holidays. Get it now!
Christmas Tapestry is an anthology of Christmas stories from differnt genres. Each author (including William Bernhardt) provides a story featuring their series characters.
WriterCon Magazine releases its holiday issue next week, with tips on writing for Christmas, gift lists for writers, and much more. Did you read the last one? Visit:'