Finding Your Fantasy with Tamara Grantham

Published: March 19, 2023, 12:45 p.m.

b'Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Rene Gutteridge discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview Tamara Grantham, author of more than twenty books and novellas, including multi-award-winning fantasy novels for middle-grade, YA, and adult readers. Many of her novels launched as #1 bestsellers. She\\u2019s won two first-place Rone awards, a Praiseworthy award, and an Indiefab book of the year award for fantasy. Her new book is The End of Never, which is the second book in her Chronicels of Ithical series.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Why Were There No Authors at the Oscars?

Chapter 2: News
1) Update on the Susan Meachen Story\\u2014Romance Author Thought Dead Emerges
2) New Story on Faleena Hopkins\\u2014Author Disappears Then Misses Court Date

Chapter 3: Interview with Tamara Grantham
In this interview, Grantham discusses:
1) Why she writes SF and Fantasy;
2) How she creates new worlds;
3) How she plans a book or series;
4) How small-group classes advanced her career; and
5) the best writing advice she ever received.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
Bernhardt\'s new novel, The Florentine Poet, is now on sale. This is a fun and fanciful story of what one man will do to pursue his passions\\u2014poetry and true love. "The Princess Bride for Literature Lovers."

The WriterCon Small-Group Retreat will be in Branson MO from July 19-23 and there are still seats available. Tamara Grantham says attending these classes was a "life-changing exierience" for her. Could it do the same for your writing career?

Rene has finished her screenplay and is working on a nonfiction book.

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt'