Finding Inspiration with Micah Leydorf

Published: Jan. 21, 2024, 2:25 p.m.

b'Bestselling authors William and Lara Bernhardt discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing and publishing tips, and interview Micah Leydorf, inspirational writer of The Unseen Battle.

Opening Thoughts
Bill\'s thriller Dark Eye (2005) has been banned in Florida. He is very excited about it.
Lara is more excited about the forthcoming WriterCon Cruise.

1) Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction Author Loses in Court\\u2014Twice
2) Steamboat Willie, Tigger, and Other Valuable IPs Go Public Domain

Interview with Micah Leydorf:
During this chat you will learn:
1) what distinguishes spiritual or faith-based fiction;
2) how to break into the market;
3) how she merges politics and faith;
4) her path to publication; and
5) why she calls herself "the wife, mother, and serial entrepreneur who writes out of obedience.\\u201d

Parting Words
Join us for the WriterCon Cruise, April 21-29, 2024! Since the last podcast, we\\u2019ve added three more faculty members, so we now have eight instructors on our Cruise faculty, four authors (including two major-list bestsellers), two publishers, an audiobook engineer, and a top agent from the Sarah Jane Freymann Agency. This will be the third WriterCon cruise\\u2014and four of our previous attendees are now published with excellent houses. On the cruise, you will receive more than 20 hours of on-board instruction, plus a private meeting with the agent (and anyone else you request). You may even be able to squeeze in time for the hot tub. You will learn (but we also have lots of fun). Click here for more information.

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt'