Exploring Strange New Worlds with Betsey Kulakowski

Published: Sept. 21, 2020, 12:29 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the book world, offers writing tips, and interviews Betsey Kulakowski, author of The Veritas Codex series.

Chapter 1: Introduction
WriterCon 2020 was a success, and WriterCon 2021 will stream again!

Chapter 2: News
a) Simon & Schuster may be purchased by Random House
b) Barnes & Noble CEO James Daunt discusses the need to make bookstores a destination.
c) David Burleigh from OverDrive discusses the surge in library use of digital books.
d) Marlowe, an AI program, will analyze your book for $89.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Editing is essential to producing a first-rate book. Bernhardt discusses the differences and purposes of developmental edits, copy edits, beta readers, and proofreading.

Chapter 4: Interview with Betsey Kulakowski
Bernhardt interviews the author of The Veritas Codex, the first book is a new series featuring a television journalist who explores strange and explained mysteries.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Writers looking for direct feedback on their manuscripts should consider Bernhardt\'s upcoming small-group workshops, one online in December, one in person in 2021. Bernhardt reads manuscripts and daily work, discusses relevant topics, and provides direct critique and editing. For more information, visit www.williambernhardt.com and click on "Red Sneaker Writers."

Until next time, keep writing, and remember, you cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.'