Editing for Success with Marcia Markland

Published: May 6, 2019, 8:54 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews editor Marcia Markland about the paths to writing and publishing success.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: News
The Canadian bookstore chain Indigo opens its first store in the United States.
Nora Roberts files a lawsuit against an alleged plagiarist in Brazil.
Audiobooks sales have increased even more than people realized, and a survey suggests that the leading audio genre is mystery and the primary place people listen is in their cars.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Bernhardt discusses the advantages of audiobooks, not only to increase the market for your work but also as a tool for improving your work.

Chapter 4: Interview with Marcia Markland
Marcia Markland worked as an editor for decades at houses such as St. Martin\'s and Thomas Dunne, and now works as a writing coach. She offers her insights on publishing, the independent publishing boom, and which path might be best for you.

Chapter 5: Closing Words
WriterCon 2019 (www.writercon.org) is the official Red Sneaker conference in Oklahoma City during Labor Day weekend (August 30-Sept 2). And there are many other Red Sneaker programs and offerings, including a free bi-weekly newsletter. When you sign up for the newsletter, you will receive the free Red Sneaker Handbook. Register at: www.williambernhardt.com'