Editing Excellence with Pierce Gaynor

Published: Oct. 19, 2020, 1:15 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books and interviews Pierce Gaynor, CEO of Fictional, an online AI prose editor for writers and publishers.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Bernhardt offers an online five-day writing workshop in December.
Big response to new tech programs for writers\\u2014including Fixional

Chapter 2: News
a) Writer is an online service that checks your manuscript for potentially offensive or otherwise problematic prose.
b) Joseph Esposito explains why Penguin Random House wants Simon & Schuster.
c) A new publishing startup, BookClub, helps authors create their own book clubs.
d) Amazon launches a similar book-club-creation service.
e) Barnes & Noble computer records were hacked.
f) Children\'s book sales are up.
g) Five years later, it appears the New York Times prediction about the demise of eBooks was incorrect.

Chapter 3: Interview
Bernhardt interviews Pierce Gaynor about his new online AI editing service, Fixional.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
It is not too late to register for Bernhardt\'s December small-group retreat. Visit: https://www.williambernhardt.com/writing-retreats

Keep writing!'