Editing and Discovering Books with Janene MacIvor

Published: Aug. 20, 2023, 10:15 a.m.

b'Bestselling authors William Bernhardt, Lara Bernhardt, and Rene Gutteridge discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interviewsenior editor with Thomas Nelson Publishers, HarperCollins Christian Publishing. For fifteen years, before taking an in-house position, she did freelance management, editing and proofreading.

Chatper 1: Introduction
ReaderCon is fast approaching\\u2014and we are ready! It\'s completely free and open to the public on Sept 4 (Labor Day) in Oklahoma City. You\\u2019ll have a chance to hear many authors talk about their work and autograph books, including Lisa Gardner and Tosca Lee. Plus so much fun stuff! Book-themed costume contest. A mystery to solve. Puzzles. Spelling Bee. Jeopardy! Did I mention food trucks? And best of all\\u2014rescue animals! And so many chances to buy books!

Chapter 2: News
1) KKR is Buying Simon & Schuster
2) Authors Fued Over AI Book Cover

Chapter 3: Interview
Lara and William interview Janene MacIvor, senior editor at Thomas Nelson/Harper. In the interview, Janene discusses:
1) why writers must read;
2) what editors are looking for;
3) how she handles an imperfect manuscript with potential;
4) the key to professional editing, and
5) why she\'s proud of her work.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
Don\'t forget! WriterCon on Sept 1-3 and ReaderCon on Sept 4!
Do Yourself a Big Favor. Be there!

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt