Digital Book Marketing with David Gaughran

Published: Nov. 2, 2020, 11:25 a.m.

b"Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the book world, offers writing tips, and interviews David Gaughran, book marketing expert and author of Let's Get Digital.

Chapter 1: Introduction
A complete power outage is no excuse to slack off.

Chapter 2: News
a) A debut author scores a $2 million deal with Doubleday.
b) Book sales are soaring. Readers are buying 30% more eBooks.
c) Experts warn that holiday shoppers will start early and buy more than half online.
d) Molly Stern starts Zando, a publishing house the will focus on high-profile partners and promoters\\u2014not bookstores.
e) Mike Shatzhin says publishers must shift their focus from bookstores to direct sales.
f) A British six-year-old publishes a book: My Mummy is Autistic.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Lara Bernhardt (The Wantland Files) discusses techniques for getting readers emotionally involved in your book.

Chapter 4: Interview
David Gaughran discusses all the new tips and data in the new edition of Let's Get Digital, his guide to publishing and marketing eBooks.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Judge and Jury, William Bernhardt's fifth book in the Daniel Pike series, is now on sale. The next, Final Verdict, will be available in January."