Digital Book Marketing That Works with David Gaughran

Published: July 1, 2019, 3 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt (Court of Killers) discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, then interviews David Gaughran, author of many works of fiction and nonfiction, including Let\'s Get Digital.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: News
a) Bernhardt reports on a recent discussion by literary agents and editors of current trends in adult fiction.
b) A report from the Cannes Film Festival on what books scouts are seeking for movie/tv adaptations.
c) New NBD Bookscan data provides the latest information on book sales, what\'s selling and what\'s not.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips. Bernhardt discusses the Kathleen Hale controversy resulting from Hale\'s response to a negative review on Goodreads--and what it should tell you about handling reviews.

Chapter 4: Interview with David Gaughran. Bernhardt interviews the acclaimed author of Let\'s Get Digital about what online book marketing is most effective, whether to go wide or be Amazon-exclusive, and many other related topics.

Chapter 5: Parting Words. Bernhardt, Gaughran, and many others will be at WriterCon, the annual writers conference in Oklahoma City over Labor Day weekend. Bernhardt\'s newest novel, Court of Killers, is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

For information about WriterCon: www.writer
For information about Bernhardt and the Red Sneaker Writers Center: www.william
To pre-order Court of Killers:'