Designing a Great Cover with Victoria Saravia

Published: Dec. 2, 2019, 1:58 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Victoria Saravia, co-founder of BeauteBook, an online firm offering book covers and other graphic design services for writers.

Chapter 1: Introduction
William Bernhardt\'s new novel, Trial by Blood, can now be ordered!

Chapter 2: News
a) Headcanon creates a platform for books presented in serialized format via voice-activated devices like Amazon\'s Alexa.
b) Two more states propose legislation like California\'s AB5 to protect freelance writers and others in the "gig economy."
c) poll results reveal the average age of first-time bestselling authors.
d) Barnes & Noble CEO makes changes and promises more.
e) New York Times analysis suggests that a rating increase of one star equals a 26% increase in sales.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Bernhardt discusses the importance of being part of a writing community and a new website called Crit Collective designed to help writers get feedback on their work.

Chapter 4:
Bernhardt interviews Victoria Saravia of BeauteBook about what makes a great book cover, what to avoid, and how to use covers to maximize your sales.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
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Trial by Blood (Daniel Pike #3) can be ordered now from most online booksellers.'