Creating Suspense with Kaira Rouda

Published: May 17, 2021, 11:16 a.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Kaira Rouda, author of the critically acclaimed thriller, The Next Wife.

Chapter 1: Introduction
William Bernhardt\'s new legal thriller Splitsville, can now be ordered!

Chapter 2: News
a) Harper\'s acquisition of Houghton Mifflin\'s trade line is completed.
b) Facebook and Twitter are breaking into audio chat.
c) Bookwire is creating a dedicated forum for book-related NFTs.
d) Scammers create fake audiobooks for profit.
e) Amazon removes billions of fake listings.
f) Talkia creates an "almost real" AI voice.
g) Studies indicate readers are more successful at romance.

Chapter 3: Interview
Kaira Rouda, author of ten books, including The Next Wife, discusses:
a) her path to current major success,
b) her writing process,
c) how she found an agent,
d) why she\'s a pantser,
5) why she\'s written so many different genres,
and much more.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
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