Creating Series Characters with James Scott Bell

Published: June 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.

b'This episode was recorded live at the Red Sneaker Writing Retreat in Eureka Springs. Because it was recorded live and in one take, the sound quality is not quite up to our usual standards, and host William Bernhardt fears he tripped on his tongue a bit more than usual. We assume you will join us in feeling this makes the whole podcast experience more authentic.

In this episode, bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, then interviews author and renowned writing instructor James Scott Bell.

1) Introduction
2) News
a) Barnes & Noble has two potential buyers, suggesting that the nation\'s only national bookstore chain may continue to operate for the foreseeable future.
b) An author dropped by her publisher after igniting an online firestorm sues her former publisher.
c) Amazon awards a series of grants to worthy nonprofit organizations promoting writers and literature.
d) Amazon Publishing celebrates its tenth anniversary with a series of high-dollar acquisitions and an impressive sales record.
4) Closing remarks. Bernhardt will host another writing retreat July 24-28. For more information, visit: James Scott Bell will be the keynote speaker at WriterCon in Oklahoma City over Labor Day weekend. For more information about the annual Red Sneaker writers conference, visit:'