Creating Art From Experience with Mary Laura Philpott

Published: May 8, 2022, 12:36 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Mary Laura Philpott, author of Bomb Shelter: Love, Time and Other Explosions.

Chapter 1: Introduction
The Early Bird pricing ends on May 15, so this is the time to register for WriterCon, our annual writers conference that takes place during Labor Day weekend (Sept 2-5). Learn from over 60 speakers and 70 sessions on writing, all genres, and the business of writing, for people at all stages of their writing career. Get the knowledge you need to succeed!

Chapter 2: News
1) Writers Coffeehouse Won\'t Let You Leave Till You\'ve Met Your Goal, and
2) Amazon Will Allow Authors Selling From Their Websites to Use Prime Shipping

Chapter 3: Interview with Mary Laura Philpott
In this interview, she discusses:
1) the importance of deletion;
2) how she turns horrific events into literature;
3) how she researches her subjects;
4) the secret of writing a killer essay; and
5) her unique approach to outlining.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
Check out Bernhardt\'s new novel, Shameless, Book 3 in the Splitsville legal thriller series:

If you\\u2019re writing or aspiring to write, join our Facebook Group, Red Sneaker Writers, so you can get daily updates:

Bernhardt also has a free Red Sneaker e-newsletter. Send me ( your email address and I\\u2019ll add you to the list.

WriterCon will have authors, agents, editors, book marketers, author assistants, over 70 sessions, and many chances for you to meet people, network, and get the connections and knowledge you need to build your writing career. The Early Bird pricing ends May 15, so if you\\u2019re interested, please check out the website:

Until next time (start extro music), Keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt'