Commitment and Perseverance with Tamara Grantham

Published: Oct. 17, 2021, 12:26 p.m.

b'Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Tamara Grantham, award-winning fantasy author of Never Call Me Vampire and The 7th Lie.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Order William Bernhardt\'s new thriller, Exposed. This is the second book in his new series featuring lawyer Kenzi Rivera.

Chapter 2: News
1) Supply Chain Issues and Paper Shortages Plague the Book World;
2) Reader Reach Helps with Facebook Ads;
3) Sue Grafton Heirs Sell Kinsey Milhone to TV\\u2014Against Her Wishes;
4) Story Origin Helps Writers Find Beta Readers;
5) Amazon Adds Performance-Based Advertising; and
6) Colleen Hoover Scores Huge Hybrid-Author Success.

Chapter 3: Interview
Bernhardt interviews Tamara Grantham, the award-winning fantasy author of bestseller Never Call Me Vampire and The 7th Lie and many others. She discusses:

a) how she committed to writing\\u2014and stuck to it;
b) how she makes time for writing in her busy life;
c) where she finds her stories;
d) why she likes writing series;
e) why she outlines; and
f) how writing retreats and workshops jumpstarted her career.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
Please help spread the word about Bernhardt\'s new novel, Exposed, Book 2 in the Splitsville Legal Thriller series.

This podcast is ad-free, supported by our patrons. Visit, where you can support this podcast. Bernhardt also handles writer mentoring through that site, so if you\\u2019re looking for some help with your writing career, please check it out.

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Keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.
William Bernhardt'