Charting the Writer's Journey with Christopher Vogler

Published: Aug. 24, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

b'Chapter 1: Introduction
Last chance to register for WriterCon, the writers\\u2019 conference that has not been cancelled and will not be cancelled. You can attend live, stream the three-day conference, or watch online at your convenience during the two weeks following the conference. Visit the website, look at the schedule, and see if this opportunity might be just what you need to advance your writing career:

William Bernhardt\\u2019s new novel Judge and Jury, the fifth book in the Daniel Pike series, will be released August 25, 2020. Check it out!

Chapter 2: News
a)Quarterly sales reports indicate that for traditional publishers, sales are down, but in some cases, earnings are up, due to improved sales of eBooks and digital audiobooks.
b)Digital revenue for The New York Times exceeds print revenue for the first time.
c)Digital sales to libraries are surging.
d)Even traditional publishers are using the Amazon 100 list to spot market trends as they arise\\u2014and you can too.
e)Descript adds an AI digital voice\\u2014your voice\\u2014as a means to edit your audio recording. After training, the program can generate a voice to match the text you type.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Attendees at the Central Region Oklahoma Writers retreat offer their tips: Abby Robertson, editor at Wild Rose Press and author of more than 20 novels, plus authors Mary Jo Springer and Debbie Rogers.

Chapter 4: Interview
William Bernhardt interviews Christopher Vogler, keynote speaker at this year\\u2019s WriterCon, and acclaimed author of the seminal work on writing, The Writer\\u2019s Journey, recently reissued in a 25th Anniversary edition.

Chapter 5: Parting Thoughts
Think about reading Judge and Jury, the fifth book in the Daniel Pike series.
And consider attending WriterCon 2020, either in person or virtually:'