Achieving Your Writing Dreams with Nathan Bransford

Published: Aug. 9, 2020, 7:14 p.m.

b'Chapter 1: Introduction
Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, offers writing tips, and interviews Nathan Bransford, agent, author, and writing coach about the best advice for writers hoping to break into the publishing world.

Chapter 2: News
a)Book sales are up during the lockdown, especially for eBooks.
b)The largest US printer is being sold, leaving traditional publishers uncertain whether they\\u2019ll be able get large quantities of books printed.
c)Crooked Lane Books has opened a new imprint, Alcove Press, specializing in books relating to families and friendship.
d)Bonnier Books UK launches a new music imprint.
e)Arcadia launches a new children\\u2019s imprint
f)A new digital publisher called NeoText will publish shorter genre work.
g)An Indian author offers a new software program for writers called Granthika to help novelists organize their books.

Chapter 3: Writing Tips
Bernhardt discusses the latest Reddit uproar involving the author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas who Googled how to dye a dress red, then wrote into his new historical novel a formula from The Legend of Zelda (which involves elements that don\\u2019t actually exist). You don\\u2019t want that to happen to you. Don\\u2019t be sloppy about your research, and don\\u2019t be dependent upon the internet. Put as much effort into the research as you do the writing.

Chapter 4: Interview
Bernhardt interviews writing coach Nathan Bransford on the best ways writers can help themselves, like targeting an audience before they write, and writing what will make them happiest.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
Come to WriterCon 2020! The entire three-day conference will be streamed and recorded, so you can see all the 60+ sessions without leaving home. All sessions will be available online for two weeks after the conference at no additional cost. This is an unprecedented educational opportunity. Join us!'