The Talent Transformation | Seven Corners, Indianapolis, Indiana

Published: April 26, 2018, 12:51 p.m.


Indianapolis, Indiana\\u2014As companies grow and advance beyond their entrepreneurial roots, talent often becomes a major growth hurdle. To meet the demands of an expanding workforce,\\xa0firms must steadily enhance their talent best practices.\\xa0Join us when Justin Tysdal, Cofounder, Seven Corners, explains how talent became the primary path for opening a new chapter of growth for the international travel insurance firm.

Guest:\\xa0Justin Tysdal, Cofounder, Chief Strategy Officer

Company: Seven Corners

Headquartered: Indianapolis, Indiana

Ownership:\\xa0Privately Held

Revenues:\\xa0$40 Million


Contacts:\\ @sevencorners (Twitter)


From Brett\\u2019s Strategy Note

  • BIG step to get outside help.

  • Apollo \\u2013 proactive, structure

  • Need for new ideas , innovation

  • Transparency

  • KPIs

  • THANK people
