Writer Dolly Alderton. Sue Biggs CBE on moving on from her role as the RHS's DG.

Published: June 6, 2022, 10:50 a.m.


Can platonic love survive romantic love as we grow up? Emma Barnett talks to to the writer Dolly Alderton about her new BBC TV series, an adaptation of her 2018 memoir \\u2018Everything I Know About Love\\u2019,

A round-up of the weekends events for the Queen's platinum jubilee from Roya Nikkah - royal editor of The Sunday Times and Dame Prue Leith on being part of the final part of the final pageant on the Mall.

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK\\u2019s largest gardening charity For the last 12 years Sue Biggs CBE has been its director general. She's been pivotal in creating and carrying out a huge investment programme. As she prepares to step down later this month, she talks to Emma Barnett about her work over the last decade and her plans for the future.

The non-fatal strangulation law comes into effect tomorrow as part of the Domestic Abuse Act, following a successful campaign by groups such as the Centre for Women's Justice and cross-party MPs and peers. We discuss its significance and next steps with Nogah Ofer from the Centre for Women's Justice and forensic physician Dr Catherine White, who is calling for specialist training for groups who work with victims of NFS.

Plus as Boris Johnson faces a vote of No Confidence in the Commons this afternoon, we hear from attorney general for England and Wales Suella Braverman and our deputy political editor Vicky Young.\\n \\nPresenter Emma Barnett\\nProducer Beverley Purcell
