Women and Long Covid

Published: Oct. 23, 2020, 11:08 a.m.

New research out this week suggests that 1 in 45 people who get COVID-19 will continue to be unwell after three months, even if their initial infection was mild. And, under the age of 50, it does seem that women are more likely to develop Long Covid than men.

People with Long Covid report on-going symptoms including fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, problems concentrating - \u2018brain fog\u2019 - and heart palpitations, which leave them unable to work, look after their families or even get off the sofa.

Support groups and campaigns to get recognition and treatment for this new and debilitating illness have sprung up \u2013 most of them led by women. Their efforts are now beginning to bear fruit, with among other things a network of Long Covid clinics recently announced for some parts of the UK. What more needs to be done?

Jane is joined by a panel of experts and campaigners to hear from some of you about how Long Covid has changed your lives since March, and to discuss the latest developments. She speaks to - Dr Nisreen Alwan, Associate Professor in Public Health, University of Southampton;Ondine Sherwood LongCovidSOS campaign co-founder; Dr Elizabeth Kendrick, GP & Medical Director of Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust who have been running a virtual Long Covid clinic since August and listeners \u2013 Emily, Gillian, Niluka and Morag.

Presented by Jane Garvey.\nProducers: Sarah Crawley and Louise Corley\nEditor: Beverley Purcell