Women and homelessness, WTO, The Secret Garden, Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women's Rights

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 12:05 p.m.


The number of women sleeping rough has risen over the last decade and as the economic impact of Covid 19 takes hold, social policy advisers fear the situation could worsen. Female rough sleepers with their complex profile have it worse on the street, and in wider homelessness terms the number of lone women and women with children has soared in temporary accommodation. Katya Adler talks to Dame Louise Casey who, as \\u201cHomelesssness Tsar\\u201d, championed the \\u201cEveryone In\\u201d policy which got rough sleepers off the street and into temporary accommodation during the height of the pandemic and Petra Salva, the head of the Rough Sleepers Unit at the charity St. Mungos.

A new film version of The Secret Garden is released on Friday. Written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the book was first published in 1911 and is seen as a classic of English children\\u2019s literature. But the story of the author behind the book is far less well known and utterly fascinating. Katya Adler is joined by Ann Thwaite, whose biography of Frances Hodgson Burnett, Beyond the Secret Garden, first came out in 1974 but has been reissued this year, and Lucy Mangan, author of Bookworm, who has loved the novel since she was a little girl.

The World Trade Organisation will shortly have a new leader and for the first time in its history it\\u2019s going to be a woman. There are two remaining candidates. They are Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala from Nigeria, and Yoo Myung-hee from South Korea. To discuss the candidates, Katya is joined by Allie Renison, Head of Trade and EU Policy at Institute of Directors.

On Friday a major new exhibition opens at the British Library. \\u2018Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women\\u2019s Rights\\u2019 shows how the work of contemporary feminist activists in the UK has its roots in the long and complex history of women\\u2019s rights. Lead curator, Dr Polly Russell joins Katya Adler to discuss the multi-faceted exhibit where you can see everything from personal diaries, banners and protest fashion to subversive literature, film, music and art, women\\u2019s voices, stories and experiences.

Presented by Katya Adler\\nProducer: Louise Corley\\nEditor: Beverley Purcell
