Tennis icon Serena Williams, Recruiting women to the armed forces, Afghan women radio, Stem cell donors, Women and bodybuilding

Published: Aug. 10, 2022, 10:16 a.m.


It looks like Serena Williams is leaving tennis. She\'s won 23 grand slam titles and four Olympic golds but has suggested it\'s time to move on. She\'s made the announcement in Vogue, where she\'s said retirement - "causes a great deal of pain. I hate it." So she hasn\'t explicitly said she\'s giving up but she\'s given a large hint, saying she wants to focus on her family. Jessica Creighton speaks to former tennis player, Jo Durie and sports journalist Natasha Henry about the tennis icon.

The Armed Forces are not reaching their targets in terms of recruiting women. The MOD is hoping to increase the proportion of women in the armed forces to 30% by 2030 but they have not met the target set for 2020. One of the barriers to change is thought to be visibility - new research has found the UK public knows little or nothing about female veterans. Lauren Godier-McBard led the research and Ria Jackson is an RAF veteran and founder of the blog The V word.

BBC Afghan have a new radio programme called \'Women\' which focuses on women and girls, especially those in rural areas, in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It\'s presented by Shazia Haya in Pashto, and Aalia Farzan in Dari who fled their home country last August when the Taliban retook control. It aims to inform, educate and empower its listeners. Faranak Amidi is the presenter of World Service\'s The Fifth Floor. She spoke to Shazia and Aalia.

This spring more than two million people had registered to become potential blood stem-cell donors in the UK. That\\u2019s regarded as a milestone by DKMS, which is the biggest stem cell-register in the UK. And it gives one mother in Northern Ireland some much-needed hope. Anne Greer\\u2019s youngest son is in a critical condition in hospital. Daniel was fit and well, but in May after complaining of back pain that was coming and going, he was diagnosed with leukaemia. The family want people around the world to donate blood to see if their stem cells are a life-saving match for Daniel.

On Woman\\u2019s Hour we talk about girls a lot, their safety, their mental and physical health but we don\\u2019t often talk to them. For an occasional series called \'Girl\\u2019s World\' Ena Miller went to talk to groups of girls at their schools in their friendship groups, not necessarily about the big \\u2018issues\\u2019 but about what makes them laugh, who they laugh with\\u2026what they care about. Today, India and Alice are both aged 13 and they live in Stroud.

Today we\'re going to be talking about women in the world of elite bodybuilding where in the UK alone there will be more than 200 female bodybuilding shows this year. Kate Bishop - co-creator of the book Core which includes 42 photos of \\u2018muscly women\\u2019 doing what the book describes as \'subverting the archetype of femininity\' and one of the bodybuilders in the book, Louise Plumb, discuss.\\n

Presenter: Jessica Creighton\\nProducer: Kirsty Starkey

Interviewed Guest: Natasha Henry\\nInterviewed Guest: Jo Durie\\nInterviewed Guest: Laura Godier-McBard\\nInterviewed Guest: Ria Jackson\\nInterviewed Guest: Shazia Haya \\nInterviewed Guest: Aalia Farzan\\nInterviewed Guest: Anne Greer\\nReporter: Ena Miller\\nInterviewed Guest: Kate Bishop\\nInterviewed Guest: Louise Plumb
