Sian Berry, Liz Saville, Health

Published: Dec. 3, 2019, noon


Sian Berry is co-leader of the Green Party. The Greens have seen a rise in support at local and European elections, and polling experts say they\\u2019ve had success in attracting younger women voters. How do they plan to win further seats at Westminster and promote green policies in their manifesto? We ask Sian Berry what the Greens are offering women that other parties aren't.

Liz Saville Roberts is Plaid Cymru\\u2019s leader at Westminster. She's wants to stop a New Deal Brexit, and her party has formed an electoral pact with the Lib Dems and the Greens. That means they're not going to stand against each other in certain seats. She's a supporter of the Unite to Remain Pact saying that it would be the \\u201ceasiest thing under the sun\\u201d for all parties to \\u201cgo back to the comforts of tribalism\\u201d. She tells us what her party is offering women in Wales.

How do you raise multilingual children? And what happens when your first language isn't very common where you live? Language is one of those things that help you stay connected to your heritage but raising a child to speak two or more languages can be harder than it sounds. We hear from two Nigerian mums: one who speaks Igala and the other Yoruba.

Women are facing \\u201cunacceptable barriers\\u201d to essential healthcare services. That's according to a new report published by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Their survey of 3,000 plus women in the UK shows that many are struggling to access basic healthcare like contraception and menopause support. The Better for Women report says there needs to be a national strategy to meet the needs of girls and women throughout their life: from being a teenager, being middle-aged and then older. Professor Lesley Regan, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, joins us in the studio.
