Sharon Stone. The impact of pornography on young people. Actor Vanessa Kirby

Published: April 3, 2021, 4 p.m.


It\\u2019s nearly 30 years since Sharon Stone starred in Basic Instinct, with the famous uncrossing-of-legs scene. In 2001, after adopting her first child, she suffered a stroke and almost died. In an exclusive interview with Emma Barnett she talks about her autobiography - The Beauty of Living Twice.

This summer, students in England will receive A-level and GCSE results based on their teachers\\u2019 predictions, after official exams have been cancelled for the second year. Teachers will be required to compile evidence to substantiate their predicted grades. We hear from Emma Irving who works part time as a private tutor and Richard Sheriff, Executive headteacher of Harrogate grammar school and president of the Association of School and College Leaders.

Jessica Moxham's eldest son, Ben, is disabled. At birth it was touch and go whether he would live and Jessica spent most of the first year of Ben's life keeping him alive, learning how to feed and soothe a baby who couldn't suck or eat. Jessica has written a memoir, The Cracks that Let the Light in: What I learned from my disabled son.

Continuing our look at what\\u2019s being reported as \\u201crape culture\\u201d in schools, we examine the impact of pornography on young people and its effect on relationships and sex.

There are plenty of festivals planned in person once social distancing laws are \\u2013 hopefully \\u2013 lifted this summer. But why are they still featuring majority male artists, particularly those headlining.

Plus Vanessa Kirby explores her role as Martha in the film \\u2018Pieces of A Woman\\u2019. A story of a couple on the verge of becoming parents, when their lives change dramatically when a homebirth ends in tragedy. \\n \\nPresenter: Anita Rani\\nProducer: Lorna Rose Treen\\nEditor: Beverley Purcell
