PHONE-IN - Would you stop having kids to save the planet?

Published: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:07 p.m.


The population of Earth has doubled since 1970 and is heading for 10 billion by 2050. That\\u2019s a lot of extra strain on the planet. Could having fewer kids be the answer? Jane Garvey wants to hear your thoughts!

Would you consider having fewer kids for the greater good? Have you or someone you know decided to live a child-free life? Is Harry and Meghan\\u2019s choice to stop at two the ideal compromise? Are you someone who couldn\\u2019t ignore the urge for a third? Or is it over-consumption rather than over-population that\\u2019s the real issue?

Call 03700 100 444 or email us via the Woman's Hour website. Lines open from 0830

Presenter - Jane Garvey\\nProducer - Anna Lacey\\nGuest - Prof Sarah Harper\\nGuest - Anna Hughes
