Oloni, Women in Politics, Forever Friends?

Published: Sept. 29, 2022, 10:16 a.m.


'Ladies shall we have some fun?' Some of you may recognise this catchphrase and be thinking of the sex and relationship expert Oloni, who built an online community by speaking openly about sex and relationships. Her new book \\u2013 The Big O \\u2013 is out and goes into detail about how we can close what she calls \\u2018the orgasm gap\\u2019. Oloni joins Emma.

The Bank of England\\u2019s intervention yesterday to calm financial markets after the government\\u2019s mini-budget came hot on the heels of the International Monetary Fund warning that the measures are likely to fuel the cost of living crisis. One woman who\\u2019s been advising the IMF over the past 20 years is Ngaire Woods, now Professor of Global Economic Governance at the University of Oxford, she joins Emma.

Giorgia Meloni\\u2019s election as the Prime Minister of Italy is just the latest victory for a woman on the right of the political spectrum. The vast majority of European women who have who had true executive power - party or government leaders \\u2013 come from the right, starting with Margaret Thatcher. The academic Costanza Hermanin from the European University Institute in Florence joins Emma Barnett to discuss why the Left have had fewer female leaders, alongside Professor Matthew Goodwin from the University of Kent, who has written a number of books including National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy.

We've been talking about female friendship in the last couple of weeks and focussing on what happens when friendship goes wrong. Can you fix a friendship that has broken and should you try? Daniella and Nataliya - Dan and Nat - are both 33 and they live in London. Jo Morris talked to them, separately, about their long friendship and what it means to them.

Presenter: Emma Barnett\\nProducer: Emma Pearce
