Lucy Mangan, Girls & Education in Afghanistan, Sexual Assault, Consent & 'Grey Areas'

Published: Oct. 13, 2021, 11:57 a.m.


Who does what in your home? Sourcing school shoes? Calling the plumber? Sorting the threadworms? In her debut novel \'Are We Having Fun Yet?\' author and columnist Lucy Mangan reveals the comic diary of Liz who is \'outwardly mute, inwardly mutinous\' as she does her best to keep the domestic show on the road.

In her new book Rough, Rachel Thompson looks at how violence has found its way into the bedroom. A study released this summer set out to gauge the extent of violence against women. One shocking finding revealed that half of respondents had "woken up to their male partner having sex with them or performing sex acts on them whilst they are asleep." Emma discusses these findings and the impact on women with Rachel and Dr. Jessica Taylor, co author: Understanding the Scale of Violence Committed Against Women in the UK Since Birth.

For 26 days teenage girls in Afghanistan haven\'t been able to go to school. The Taliban has banned them from secondary schools. If girls don\'t go to secondary school, that means they\'re unlikely to go to further education or university. Under their new government, Taliban officials said that women will be allowed to study and work in accordance with the group\'s interpretation of Islamic religious law. Emma discusses the current situation with Yalda Hakim, presenter on BBC World; and a teacher in Afghanistan.

Presented by Emma Barnett
