Late Night Woman's Hour: Work and Rest

Published: Oct. 25, 2017, 4 p.m.


Lauren and guests reflect on how we can find the right balance between work and rest.

Often presented as opposites, our attitudes to work and rest are changing under the influence of a range of technological and social forces. Many people work from home, but how many of us also home from work? And how do we maintain the boundaries between the two when it's so easy to check your work email at midnight?

Lauren's guests this month are:

Emma Gannon: writer, blogger, and founder of the podcast Control Alt Delete. Emma wrote a book of the same name in 2016, and is currently working on a new book, The Multi-Hyphen Method, in which she's going to be looking at how we can 'design our own careers and work less.'

Dr Zeena Feldman: lecturer in digital culture at King's College London. Zeena is interested in how digital media blur the boundaries between our work and home lives. Earlier this year she launched the Quitting Social Media project, examining peoples' reasons for disconnecting.

Rosie Fletcher: writer, stand-up comedian and co-founder of the Rosie & Jessica's Day of Fun podcast. Rosie has M.E., which has affected her ability to work and meant a radical reassessment of how she manages her energy. She writes about her experiences for the New Statesman and Huffington Post.

Ash Sarkar: lecturer and senior editor at Novara Media, Ash's work focuses on the enduring legacies of colonialism in modern Europe, the intersections between race, class and gender, as well as the political meaning of Beyonc\\xe9.
