Global Abortion Rights, Do women worry more?, Bees, Matriarchs

Published: July 14, 2022, 1:19 p.m.


Since the overturning of Roe vs Wade in the United States here on Woman\\u2019s Hour we\\u2019ve looked at what this will mean for women in America, and also what the status of abortion is here in the UK. But what right do women around the world have to an abortion and could the overturning of Roe vs Wade in America lead other countries to follow suit? Macarena Saez is from the NGO Human Rights Watch and joins Emma.

A new study shows women are now twice as likely as men to be extremely worried about their lives and those around them, after the pandemic. Journalist Eleanor Morgan and Charlotte Faircloth from UCL join Emma to discuss.

The latest in our series about matriarchs, the redoubtable women in your lives. Today listener Alexandra on her fabulous Auntie Lilla who bred miniature Shetland ponies was 6\'3" and a bit terrifying.

Jersey has elected its first ever female Chief Minister \\u2013 the equivalent of the island\\u2019s Prime Minister. Politics on the island has been largely male, white and middle class for years. But in elections last month, more women won seats in Jersey\\u2019s States Assembly - the equivalent of Jersey\\u2019s Parliament - than ever before. Emma Barnett catches up with Kristina Moore, a former journalist and TV presenter, to find out how her first few weeks in office are going.

Bees and other essential insects that we rely on to pollinate our crops are threatened by harmful pesticides according to a group of women campaigners who have launched a petition this week. We hear from Anabel Kindersley who is the co-owner of Neal\\u2019s Yard Remedies and the leader behind the #StandByBees campaign and Ben Woodcock, a scientist from UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.

Presenter: Emma Barnett\\nProducer: Emma Pearce
