Family Secrets: Sarah and a secret revealed by a DNA test

Published: Feb. 19, 2020, 1:14 p.m.


Sue Black, Women\\u2019s Equality Party candidate, joins Jenni to discuss why she has stepped down from the London mayoral race because of complications with her vaginal mesh implant.

Flood warnings have been issued across the UK from Doncaster to Wales and more flooding is expected. Hundreds of properties have been affected and families evacuated. How are people on the ground coping? And what are communities doing to help each other? We hear from two women in Wales - Vicki Plumber Leclerc, who\\u2019s had to evacuate her home in Aberdulais with her two young kids and Tina Rankin who is running the emergency effort at her local church in Pontypridd

Family Secrets - In most families there are things which don\\u2019t get talked about and the silences are often rooted in shame and in fear. In a new series of Family Secrets Sarah tells her story. She contacted Woman\\u2019s Hour because she wanted to talk about a family secret that she has only recently discovered at the age of 44.

And an all-female team of investigative journalists from the 50-50 team at Open Democracy looked at a US backed network of crisis pregnancy centres in 18 countries. They say these were not the neutral counselling centres that they at first appeared to be. Undercover reporters who presented as women with unwanted pregnancies described being told that abortion increases the risks of physical and mental illness, that hospitals wouldn\\u2019t treat medical complications of abortion \\u2013 and that women, even those who had been raped, would require the man\\u2019s consent. Nandini Archer, assistant editor of the 50-50 project explains how they worked over eighteen months and what they\\u2019ve found.

Presenter: Jenni Murray\\nProducer: Caroline Donne\\nInterviewed guest: Sue Black\\nInterviewed guest: Vicki Plumber Leclerc\\nInterviewed guest: Tina Rankin\\nInterviewed guest: Nandini Archer
