DIY fertility tests, Sudan conflict, Rebuilding my life

Published: Sept. 4, 2023, 11:22 a.m.


A BBC investigation has found that at least five women have died after family courts allowed fathers accused of abuse to apply for contact with their children. Some took their own lives, and one had a heart attack outside a court. Nuala McGovern is joined by Dr Elizabeth Dalgarno who led the research in to this.

We often talk to women about the immediate impact of traumatic life-changing events. But what happens after the dust has settled? This week on Woman\\u2019s Hour, we are inviting you to listen to three women\\u2019s experiences of picking up the pieces. Claire Russell lost her partner Mark to suicide in 2018, and miscarried their baby a few weeks later. Claire tells Nuala about how she began to recover.

Since the conflict in Sudan erupted again in April, there have been reports of the increased use of sexual violence against women and girls. More than four million women and girls are at risk of sexual violence across Sudan, according to the World Health Organization. Nuala speaks to CNN\\u2019s Nima Elbagir and to Duaa Tariq who is in Khartoum.

How reliable is DIY fertility testing in helping you plan for a baby? A recent report in the British Medical Journal has found that some DIY tests that were sold in the UK to measure oestrogen levels may have given misleading results. The report's author, Emma Wilkinson, joins Nuala alongside Dr Ippokratis Sarris,\\xa0Consultant in Reproductive Medicine and Director of King\\u2019s Fertility.\\xa0

Have you ever been in a 'situationship'? It's sort of a relationship but you're not exclusive. It's the subject of the debut novel of Taylor-Dior Rumble. The Situationship is published by Merky Books and it's been termed the label's first Rom-Com. Taylor-Dior joins Nuala in the studio.

Presenter: Nuala McGovern \\nProducer: Emma Pearce
